MS Excel 2010 Contents (हिंदी-Eng-தமிழ்)
1. Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010.
2. Touring the interface.
3. Finding the commands you need.
4. Maintaining file compatibility.
1. Creating a worksheet.
2. Entering data automatically with Auto Fill.
3. Changing a worksheet's structure.
Chapter -3
1. Understanding formulas and functions.
2. Addingnumbersmanually.
3. Adding numbers using Sum and AutoSum.
Chapter -4
1. Working with numbers in columns.
2. Preventing errors using absolute references.
3. Using IF.
4. Naming and using cell ranges.
Chapter -5
1. Applying fonts, background colors, and borders.
2. Using conditional formatting.
3. Adding pictures and shapes
Chapter -6
1. Inserting smartArt.
2. Applying built-in styles.
3. Using templates.
Chapter -7
1. Making the pieces fit.
2. Inserting headers and footers.
3. Printing and PDFs.
Chapter -8
1. Finding and replacing data.
2. Freezing panes.
3. Creating multiple customworksheet views.
Chapter -9
1. Hiding or grouping rows and columns.
2. Managing worksheets.
3. Calculating formulas across worksheets.
Chapter -10
1. Importing and exporting data in Excel.
2. Setting workbook permissions.
3. Sharing a workbook.
Chapter -11
1. Splitting cell data into multiple cells.
2. Joining data from multiple cells.
3. Using tables to sort and filter data.
Chapter -12
1. Using auditing to diagram.
2. Working with GoalSeek.
3. Using scenarios in formulas.
Chapter -13
1. Creating a basic PivotTable.
2. Modifying a PivotTable.
3. Creating and modifying a PivotChart.
Chapter -14
1. Inserting Spark lines.
2. Creating a column chart.
3. Placing Excel charts into other Office applications.
Chapter -15
1. Understanding macros.
2. Recording and using a simple macro.
3. Editing a macro.
Chapter -16
1. Customizing the Quick Access toolbar.
2. Setting Excel options.